All articles tagged with "Toy Destruction"

Lady B felt that her son had outgrown playing with inflatable toys. The mistress wanted him to stop using them so she trampled and stomped them until she destroyed them totally. There was nothing much to salvage when he came to look for them and play with them. She told him she did not know how they got destroyed but that he should not play with them anymore as he was a big boy now.

Mistress Alla wanted to be perfect when it came to riding a dick. And she did not want to practice on a real man. She chose to film herself riding an inflatable toy and then watching her performance to see where to make adjustments until she felt she was perfect. There was no judgment when it came to toys as they were inanimate objects and she was able to learn at her pace.

When these mistresses messed up, their parents grounded them. The mistresses did not have anything else they could do for fun. They were asked not to do a lot of things and there was nowhere fun they were allowed to go. The mistresses had to find a way to keep themselves entertained. So they resorted to inflating toys and trying to have fun with since there was nothing else to do.

These teenagers were bored and since their parents had refused to give them money to go to the mall and hang out with their friends, they chose to be a nuisance. The girls picked inflatable toys and they marched around the neighborhood being a nuisance to those they met. The teenage girls also made a lot of noise with their inflatable toys but they had a lot of fun themselves.

Mistress Nina likes to have fun with toys. She especially likes inflatable toys and today she had fun with them as she was bored and she had nothing better to do to pass time. The mistress was in her thong and a bra and she inflated the dolphin and she had fun climbing it. She even tried to crush it and stomp on it as hard as she could to see whether it could break.

Mistress Alla wanted to swim in the river and since she was not good at it, she remembered there were floaters in her house. She had crushed and destroyed some but she knew a few remained. So she went and gone some which were still in good shape and she headed down to the river. She inflated them and she wore them on her arms before diving into the river for a swim without fear of drowning.

Mistress Gina had a lot of stuff she needed to get rid of from her house. She packed them separately because she needed to give out some and she needed to destroy some. She came across inflatable toys and she had no use for them and she had fun crushing them. She was glad she had found them as she was bored and tired after the whole exercise and she needed some fun for herself.

Mistress Julie has a nice ass. She wanted to tease this guy she wanted to fuck so she used an inflatable dolphin to do her thing. She crushed it with her ass as he watched. She made it look sexy. And since he was in her underwear, he was captivated by it. She told him that could easily be his dick or his face. He was so turned on he did not wait for her to finish that sentence.

Mistress Mariah moved to a new neighborhood and she did not have friends. She had to find something to do as she was bored. There was nothing better to watch on TV, the internet seemed boring and she had nowhere to go. She found herself crushing an inflatable toy she found in the basement. She did not know whose it was but she crushed it with her bare feet and had fun doing it.

This mistress is adventurous and she wanted to try something new. She was bored of trying the same old thing. So she searched the internet and she came across inflatables clips. She had to try it as it looked like it was interesting and above all, no one got hurt. She bought a few inflatable stuff and she went home happy and had fun using her boots to crush them.

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