All articles tagged with "Toy Destruction"

Mistress Alla wanted to try riding a whale but she knew she could not do that to a real whale hence why she did it on an inflatable one. She placed it on water and she tried to row away with her hands. The mistress enjoyed herself but she had to do most of the work as her pretend whale was not mobile. Nonetheless, she had fun and it was a work out for her.

Mistress Ena wanted to try something new so she used her sneakers to trample inflatable toys. She was looking for something to take her mind off what she had been thinking about for the last few days. And as she crushed the inflatable toys, she had a great time. She was even able to forget what she had been thinking about and it was also a good exercise for the mistress.

Mistress Alla likes to make everything look sexy but she had never done that to inflatable toys. So she set out to do so today as she had the time to do it. The mistress inflated them and when she was done, she had a great time filming herself crushing them. And she did it in a way that made it look like a sexy thing when it was an ordinary thing.

Mistress Oxana was bored and when she looked around, she saw toys which she could play. She had never looked at them twice before but now that she was bored, they looked interesting and she used them to entertain herself. So the mistress inflated them and then went ahead to try and crush them using her BBW body. She bounced on them and even stomped them but they were tough and she did not manage. It was a good work out though.

Lady B could not go to her gym for her regular workout. But she did not want to lose out on the workout so she chose to do it at home. As she was pissed for not being able to go, she took out her anger on some toys as she crushed and trampled them. The mistress soon realized that she was indeed working out as she did so and so she went on doing it.

Goddess Nika loves to use inflatable toys to instruct those who want to learn how to tease. She had a huge class online today and she showed them how to do it. She took a few inflatable toys and she played with them. She showed them how to use one as both a tool as well as to imagine that it was a human being being teased. It was both fun and educational.

This mistress went to the store and she bought inflatable toys. She did so because she wanted to try out a new way to have fun. The mistress did not know what to expect when she went back with the toys and she crushed them with her feet after she had inflated them. The mistress found it fun but it was not so immediately. It grew on her gradually as she went on.

Mistress Lilith has a great ass and she loves to use it to have a great time. The mistress enjoys teasing with it and that is what she did today. The mistress did not want to use the same ways she had been using to tease. So today she used an inflatable toy to do it. She bounced on the toy and she made her ass look sexier and she got this guy turned on like he had never been turned on before.

Mistress Alla does not know how to swim. But she is too proud and she did not want anyone to teach her. So she went online and she watched tutorials. She then went and bought a toy which she used to practice. The mistress had a great time teaching herself how to swim and she was not worried since she was not at risk of drowning because of the toy.

Mistress Alla does not like to keep anger inside her. Whenever she is pissed off, she has to take it out on someone or something, and that is what the mistress did today. The mistress had just received a phone call that pissed her off. It changed her mood and got her angry. But since she did not want to sleep angry, she took out her anger on an inflatable toy.

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