All articles tagged with "Toy Destruction"

When this mistress realized that she did not have the money to be going to the gym regularly, she knew that it was not going to hinder her from achieving what she wanted. That is why she went ahead to buy an inflatable toy and she used it for her own exercise. The mistress had a great time exercising and best of all, she knew that she did not have to spend anything.

Madame Marissa loves inflatable toys. She loves to play with them and she wants to have one for each occasion. That is why she went out of her way to buy as many different ones as she could. And today madame Marissa paraded them and arranged them from the smallest to the biggest before she played with them. She even tried to play with them all before she was done.

Madame Marissa likes to play with inflatable toys and because she did not want to keep buying them all the time, she wanted durable ones. So she went for those made from durable material and she had fun crushing them as they were not easily destroyed. So she enjoyed them much longer than the ones she previously had which were easily destroyed and she spent a lot of money on them.

Madame Marissa knew that her son had outgrown his toys and he needed new ones for his age. And that is why she took out these inflatable ones and she crushed them and she destroyed them. She used her heels to do it and she did not care about their destruction as she was not planning to have any other child so they would not be needed from then on.

Madame Marissa was not in a good mood and it showed. She got to the house and she took out her anger on inflatable toys she had at home. She had them for that exact purpose as she is the kind of person who does not like to take out her anger on someone especially an innocent one. So she crushed and destroys inflatable toys and it works out perfectly.

This mistress loves working out. She was not able to go to the gym today but she did not want to lose her workout. So she turned to inflatable toys and she incorporated them into her workout and she had some great time doing it. She was tired but she had worked out all her body muscles and she was happy with the inflatable toys as they had given her more than she expected.

This mistress was so angry and she knew that if she did not do something about her anger, she might end up taking it out on the wrong person. She wanted something to crush and take her anger out of and that is why she went to the store and she came back with an inflatable toy. She inflated it and she had a great time crushing it and she was tired at the end of it but all her anger was gone.

Madame Marissa had a free afternoon and since she did not have much to do, she resorted to crushing inflatable toys for fun. She loved how she was able to have fun destroying them that she made it a regular thing in her house. She went out and she bought more of them to crush and trample. And that is how she came to have a fetish for crushing and bursting inflatable toys.

These mistresses wanted to punish this guy and they came up with an interesting way to do it that was both fun for them and painful for him. So they inflated two mattresses and sandwiched him between them. They then trampled and jumped on the inflated mattress on top of him and he was in pain as they had fun bouncing on him for fun. The punishment worked as intended.

Mistress Cindy inflated balloons in the house as her boyfriend slept and she waited until she had several of them and then went to where he was sleeping and she burst them in quick succession. He was startled and woke up thinking it was an explosion and she laughed so hard that she peed a little. He had pranked her some time back and now was her time to get back at him.

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