All articles tagged with "Toy Crush"

Lady B loves her BMW. And she loves to drive it all the time. She loves taking road trips in her car and when she was taking one today, she came across some inflatable toys and she did not know who had left them on the road. She got out to check them out but when she could not see anyone nearby, she ran them over with her car and then crushed them with her sneakers for fun.

Mistress Alla loves getting into the pool. But she does not know how to swim and she does not want to pay for swimming lessons. She wants to teach herself how to swim. And that is why she bought an inflatable vest and she uses it to teach herself how to do it. The mistress always wears it and she uses it in the pool in order to avoid drowning.

Mistress Alla has a pool in her house and she likes to hang out there. She however does not like to swim in it. She prefers to float on the water and sunbathe instead of swimming. She went out today and she bought an even bigger inflatable toy and she used it to float. She likes to change them often because apart from floating on them, she also likes to crush them.

Mistress Christin wanted her son to outgrow some toys he still played with. She destroyed one after the other and the last one was the inflatable toy that he loved to use in the pool. He knew how to swim and she did not want him using it anymore. So she used her high heels to crush and destroy it. She made sure it was completely destroyed before she threw it away together with the other toys.

Mistress Hellen and her friend Tina were bored at home and they did not have anything better to do. As they brainstormed on what to do, they found some inflatable toys and they decided to inflate them and then crush them. They jumped on them and had fun crushing them. They did not notice how much time passed as they jumped at them and tried to destroy the toys with their bare feet.

Mistress Nina found herself having fun with an inflatable toy she did not know was in her house. She found it accidentally in the garage and she inflated it and she enjoyed stomping on it and crushing it with her bare feet. She also facesat on it and she liked how it felt against her ass. The mistress did not notice time fly as she had fun with the inflatable toy.

Mistress Christin was angry. When she got home, her anger had not subsided. She took the first thing she found and she crushed and stomped on it. She used her high heels to do it. The first thing she laid her hands on was a flotation device which she found in the house. She took it and she crushed it with her high heels till she tore it and she destroyed it.

Mistresses Hellen, Kim, Julie, Nina and Maria wanted to use their combined weight to crush and destroy an inflatable toy. They had tried to do it individually but they could not manage. They had to do it together and even though they managed to do it eventually, it was not as easy as they thought it was going to be. And they did not destroy it the way they thought it would get destroyed as they used their bare feet.

Mistress Adriana and her friend Celesta wanted to crush toys. They wore like captains and they pretended that their ship had capsized. They then used their rescue boat to escape to safety. They crushed it and had fun doing it as they role played. They managed to destroy it as they used their high heels to do it. When they were done destroying it, they went and bought another one.

Lady B did not like the toys in her house anymore. She had to destroy them one by one. She started to do it out of boredom but she found that it was a lot of fun and soon enough it became a fetish for her. Today she was crushing and destroying a toy dolphin. Lady B used her high heels to do it and she destroyed it in minutes.

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