All articles tagged with "Swimming"

Mistress Alla loves to play in the water but she has a significant disadvantage in that she does not know how to swim. To bridge the gap, she has to make sure that she uses floaters to do it. The mistress used inflatable toys to do that. Today she had an inflatable dolphin which she used to access the water and for added security, she had floaters on her arms.

Mistress Alla wanted to swim in the river and since she was not good at it, she remembered there were floaters in her house. She had crushed and destroyed some but she knew a few remained. So she went and gone some which were still in good shape and she headed down to the river. She inflated them and she wore them on her arms before diving into the river for a swim without fear of drowning.

Mistress Alla is a competitive girl. She is also a self made one. Her next challenge was to learn to swim and she did not want to do it with a teacher. She wanted to teach herself so she went and bought an inflatable toy and she used it to teach herself to swim. She trid all kinds of swimming styles without fear fo drowning and within a couple of weeks, she could swim perfectly.

Mistress Alla likes to go to the river near her house for a swim. She wore her floaters because she cannot swim without them then she took the plunge. She likes the inflatable toys because they allow her to do what she is not able to do. And when she is angry, she can crush and stomp on them without destroying them. So the inflatable toys serve multiple purposes for her.

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