All articles tagged with "Stomp"

Lady B received items that she had not ordered for and she did not care who they belonged to. She did not even return them. She opened the package and she found out it was a set of inflatable toys. So she crushed and trampled them for fun and within a few hours, she had destroyed all of them. She did not even worry whether she would be asked to give them back later.

Lady B did not want her child to play with toys anymore. She felt he was old enough to stop playing with inflatable toys so she crushed them with her feet and her heels but she felt the progress was slow. So the mistress resorted to doing it with her shredder. It was an industrial one and it destroyed everything in a matter of minutes. She now had to find a way to explain to her child what she had done.

Lady B happily bought an air mattress and she thought it would be super comfortable because she would be sleeping on a mattress. But that was not the case for her and her sleep was disturbed and uncomfortable. She was angry in the morning and she wore her spiked shoes and she used them to trample and crush the air mattress. She made sure it was completely destroyed before she stopped.

Mistress Christin and her friend lady B wanted to spend some time in the inflatable pool in their basement. They were excited about it but they were shocked to learn that it was spoiled. Their hopes were dashed and the mistresses angrily crushed and trampled the inflatable pool. They did not have any use for it and they destroyed it even more instead of going to repair it. They then ordered for a new one.

Mistress Alla wanted to improve her sexual performance. She was told that she needed to enhance her riding skills so she went and bought a balloon and she inflated it. She then tried to ride it the way she had seen it done in some adult sites and slowly she became good at it. She also tried other styles before she tried it on a man while fucking him and she was sweetly surprised at how great it was.

This mistress was bored so she went to the basement to see whether she could get anything fun to watch. The mistress found inflatable toys in the basement and she had fun inflating them and crushing them. She was totally immersed in it that she forgot about everything else. She spent a lot of time doing that and did not notice how time flew while she played with the toys.

Mistress Denise did not have a reason to be angry but she woke up in a bad mood and she could not explain why. She did not want to go about her day in that mood. So she had to make sure she did something to take the anger away. And she settled on crushing the inflatable toys she had. She took out her anger on them and she felt better.

Mistress Alla wanted to be perfect when it came to riding a dick. And she did not want to practice on a real man. She chose to film herself riding an inflatable toy and then watching her performance to see where to make adjustments until she felt she was perfect. There was no judgment when it came to toys as they were inanimate objects and she was able to learn at her pace.

When these mistresses messed up, their parents grounded them. The mistresses did not have anything else they could do for fun. They were asked not to do a lot of things and there was nowhere fun they were allowed to go. The mistresses had to find a way to keep themselves entertained. So they resorted to inflating toys and trying to have fun with since there was nothing else to do.

Lady Goa wanted to teach herself how to crush and smother. She had never done it before but she did not want anyone to teach her apart from the videos she watched online. She went out and bought an inflatable toy that she inflated and she crushed while teaching herself to do it. That was her practice and she did it daily until she felt that she had perfected the art of smothering.

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