All articles tagged with "Stomp"

Mistress Alla has an indoor swimming pool in her house. She wanted to have a little fun so she did not dive in. She used inflatables to stay afloat. She enjoyed gliding on water and when she got bored with it, she got out of the water with one of the inflatables and she crushed it for fun. She knew she could always get another one. Besides, she had two more.

Mistress Nina did not have much to do in the house. She arranged things in her house to kill time and that was when she found inflatables that she had not seen or used in a long time. She had no use for them but since she had time to kill, she crushed them using her high heels. She stomped and trampled them for fun and it was an amazing experience.

Mistress Alla was mad at her boyfriend. And she knew if they met when she was in that state, they would not solve anything. She was sure things would become worse. So she took out her anger on an inflatable toy. She crushed it and she stomped on it with her heels. By the time she met her boyfriend, she was calm and they were able to talk and settle their differences.

Mistress Mariah moved to a new neighborhood and she did not have friends. She had to find something to do as she was bored. There was nothing better to watch on TV, the internet seemed boring and she had nowhere to go. She found herself crushing an inflatable toy she found in the basement. She did not know whose it was but she crushed it with her bare feet and had fun doing it.

Mistress Julie was home alone and she wanted to do something to entertain herself as she was bored. She did not have much to work with so she used inflatable toys she found in the garage. She wore her sneakers and she used them to do her thing. She enjoyed crushing them as she jumped on them to try and burst them. She was surprised at how tough they were.

Mistress Alla came home drunk and she found herself inflating a toy. She did it for hours but nothing changed because she was doing it the wrong way. She did notice it until she had gotten tired. She even forgot why she was inflating it in the first place. She had just picked it when she got into the house and began inflating it. She threw it on the floor and went to sleep.

Mistress Alla knows she cannot have a horse in her house so she went and bought an inflatable one instead. She does what she wants to it. At times she pretends to ride it in water and at other times she stomps on it and she crushes it for fun or in anger. Today she was just taking stock of her inflatable toys and checking which ones were fine and which ones needed replacing.

Lady B was mad at her boyfriend. She felt like smashing head on the wall but she got out of the room and she took a walk. She found an inflatable toy as she walked and she crushed it. She took out her anger on it and she destroyed it by stomping on it. She felt better by the time she managed to destroy it. She then went home and she took a long shower and slept.

Mistress Christin wanted her son to outgrow some toys he still played with. She destroyed one after the other and the last one was the inflatable toy that he loved to use in the pool. He knew how to swim and she did not want him using it anymore. So she used her high heels to crush and destroy it. She made sure it was completely destroyed before she threw it away together with the other toys.

Mistress Christin and Lady B wanted to punish this kid. So they took his inflatable toys and they crushed them as he watched. They knew the toys were tough and they would not get destroyed but they made the kid believe they would destroy them. He cried and begged them not to destroy them and promised to be a good boy going forward and they stopped crushing the toys as they had gotten what they wanted.

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