All articles tagged with "Inflatable"

Lady Goa wanted to teach herself how to crush and smother. She had never done it before but she did not want anyone to teach her apart from the videos she watched online. She went out and bought an inflatable toy that she inflated and she crushed while teaching herself to do it. That was her practice and she did it daily until she felt that she had perfected the art of smothering.

Mistress Nina likes to have fun with toys. She especially likes inflatable toys and today she had fun with them as she was bored and she had nothing better to do to pass time. The mistress was in her thong and a bra and she inflated the dolphin and she had fun climbing it. She even tried to crush it and stomp on it as hard as she could to see whether it could break.

Mistress Alla wanted to enjoy some time in the water but she did not want to get into the water. So she used her inflatable toys to do it. She was able to float around and enjoy the view and the breeze without having to get herself wet. The cigarette she had added to her bliss and she had a great time. She was lucky she had not crushed the floaters.

Lady B found out that someone had left some inflatable toys on her door. She did not know who they belonged to. She had not ordered anything of the sort and it was not her birthday and she was not celebrating anything. She let a day pass without picking them but when no one came for them, she took them inside and she used her sneakers to trample them for fun.

Mistress Alla wanted to teach herself how to swim. She did not want anyone's help. So she went and bought an inflatable vest and she wore it. She was using the knowledge she had gained from social media on how to swim. She would check out how to do it on social media and then go and try it. But she made sure to have an inflatable vest so as not to drown.

This mistress loves to play with inflatable toys. Today she wanted to play with them in the water. Other times she loves to crush them and to destroy them but today they helped her float as she was not good at swimming. She had a great time in the water courtesy of the inflatable toys and she promised herself to stop destroying them all the time as they were useful.

Mistress Alla went out and bought inflatable toys after she had watched videos of inflatable crush fetish. She had to try it as it looked like fun and she did not mind trying something new. She had a lot of fun doing it and she enjoyed herself to the fullest. It soon became her favorite thing to do when she was bored. And she bought lots of inflatable toys to crush.

Mistress Alla likes to go to the river near her house for a swim. She wore her floaters because she cannot swim without them then she took the plunge. She likes the inflatable toys because they allow her to do what she is not able to do. And when she is angry, she can crush and stomp on them without destroying them. So the inflatable toys serve multiple purposes for her.

Mistress Alla was angry and she had to take out her anger on something so that she did not take it out on a person. So she took an inflatable toy and she crushed it and kicked it. She crushed it and did all nasty things she wanted to it. She destroyed it but the good thing is that when she was done, she had calmed down and she could go about her business.

Mistresses Kim and Lilly do not like sea creatures. They saw an octopus on TV and they hated it. When they went to the mall, they saw one store selling an inflatable octopus and they bought it. They had fun crushing the octopus with their high heels. They wanted to destroy it completely and with both of them doing it at the same time and using high heels, they did it.

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