All articles tagged with "Inflatable Crush"

Madame Marissa was in the mood to do some damage. When she came across these inflatable toys, she did not stop to wait and find out whether they were expensive or not. She immediately descended on them and she crushed them until she destroyed them all. The mistress got to know how expensive of a damage she had made after she was done with all of it. She could not believe it.

Lady B loves to crush and when she got a job to test inflatable toys for strength once they were manufactured, she had found her dream job. All day, she would just inflate them and then try to trample and crush them. And those that passe the test would go ahead and be packaged for sale while those that did not qualify were destroyed. It was a small company and she was allowed to take home the faulty ones and she enjoyed crushing them for her own fun.

Mistress Alla loves water games. Today she wanted to go out and lay in her pool and she wanted to try getting into the pool using her high heels. But she is not a proficient swimmer so she could not go in without some inflatable armbands. She had to use them so that she did not drown in the pool. She then went out and had fun trying out what she wanted.

Mistress Christin wanted her son to outgrow some toys he still played with. She destroyed one after the other and the last one was the inflatable toy that he loved to use in the pool. He knew how to swim and she did not want him using it anymore. So she used her high heels to crush and destroy it. She made sure it was completely destroyed before she threw it away together with the other toys.

Mistress Alla was by the pool and she wanted to get into the water. But she does not know how to swim and there was no lifeguard nearby. She was determined to play in the water so she decided to use floaters to get in the water. That way, she would not drown. She wore them and she went to the water and she had a great time in the water knowing she would not drown.

Lady B likes to crush all kinds of things and today she was crushing inflatable toys. She went to the store and she bought several kinds. She had fun crushing them when she got back home. She used her sneakers to do it and she also used her high heels to do it. She did not mind creating a mess as she destroyed the toys because her slave would clean up.

Mistress Maria loves inflatable toys but not this one. It had been given to her as a present so she took it and destroyed it. She had fun in the process as she had installed a pole in her living room and she used the toy as her stage. She crushed it using her high heels as well as using her bare feet. She destroyed it but had a lot of fun in the process.

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