All articles tagged with "Dunefeet"

This mistress and her friend love to play around. And as they played today, she pinned her friend on the couch and she placed an inflatable toy on him and she used it to facesit on him. He did not mind it as the inflatable toy cushioned him from the pain he would have felt if it was not there. She also had fun as she bounced on him through the toy.

Lady Goa wanted to teach herself how to crush and smother. She had never done it before but she did not want anyone to teach her apart from the videos she watched online. She went out and bought an inflatable toy that she inflated and she crushed while teaching herself to do it. That was her practice and she did it daily until she felt that she had perfected the art of smothering.

Mistress Nina likes to have fun with toys. She especially likes inflatable toys and today she had fun with them as she was bored and she had nothing better to do to pass time. The mistress was in her thong and a bra and she inflated the dolphin and she had fun climbing it. She even tried to crush it and stomp on it as hard as she could to see whether it could break.

Mistress Julie has a nice ass. She wanted to tease this guy she wanted to fuck so she used an inflatable dolphin to do her thing. She crushed it with her ass as he watched. She made it look sexy. And since he was in her underwear, he was captivated by it. She told him that could easily be his dick or his face. He was so turned on he did not wait for her to finish that sentence.

Mistress Nina did not have much to do in the house. She arranged things in her house to kill time and that was when she found inflatables that she had not seen or used in a long time. She had no use for them but since she had time to kill, she crushed them using her high heels. She stomped and trampled them for fun and it was an amazing experience.

Mistress Mariah moved to a new neighborhood and she did not have friends. She had to find something to do as she was bored. There was nothing better to watch on TV, the internet seemed boring and she had nowhere to go. She found herself crushing an inflatable toy she found in the basement. She did not know whose it was but she crushed it with her bare feet and had fun doing it.

Mistress Julie was home alone and she wanted to do something to entertain herself as she was bored. She did not have much to work with so she used inflatable toys she found in the garage. She wore her sneakers and she used them to do her thing. She enjoyed crushing them as she jumped on them to try and burst them. She was surprised at how tough they were.

Mistress Tea and her friend Nicky went out and bought a lot of inflatable toys. They then spent the entire afternoon trying to crush them and destroy them. They had a lot of fun crushing them using their bare feet as well as using their shoes. They spent a lot of time and energy doing it but it was fun and they did not mind it. They planned to meet again soon and do the same thing because of how fun it was.

Mistress Hellen and her friend Tina were bored at home and they did not have anything better to do. As they brainstormed on what to do, they found some inflatable toys and they decided to inflate them and then crush them. They jumped on them and had fun crushing them. They did not notice how much time passed as they jumped at them and tried to destroy the toys with their bare feet.

Mistresses Kim and Lilly do not like sea creatures. They saw an octopus on TV and they hated it. When they went to the mall, they saw one store selling an inflatable octopus and they bought it. They had fun crushing the octopus with their high heels. They wanted to destroy it completely and with both of them doing it at the same time and using high heels, they did it.

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