All articles tagged with "Destruction"

Lady B loves her BMW. And she loves to drive it all the time. She loves taking road trips in her car and when she was taking one today, she came across some inflatable toys and she did not know who had left them on the road. She got out to check them out but when she could not see anyone nearby, she ran them over with her car and then crushed them with her sneakers for fun.

This mistress is adventurous and she wanted to try something new. She was bored of trying the same old thing. So she searched the internet and she came across inflatables clips. She had to try it as it looked like it was interesting and above all, no one got hurt. She bought a few inflatable stuff and she went home happy and had fun using her boots to crush them.

Mistress Julie was home alone and she wanted to do something to entertain herself as she was bored. She did not have much to work with so she used inflatable toys she found in the garage. She wore her sneakers and she used them to do her thing. She enjoyed crushing them as she jumped on them to try and burst them. She was surprised at how tough they were.

Mistress Christin was bored when she reached her house. She had nothing to do and she was home alone so she took some of the inflatable toys she had in her house and she used her high heels to trample them. She cruelly stomped on them and crushed them. She enjoyed herself and did not notice how time flew. When she was done crushing them, she was tired so she took a shower, ate and slept.

Mistress Alla came home drunk and she found herself inflating a toy. She did it for hours but nothing changed because she was doing it the wrong way. She did notice it until she had gotten tired. She even forgot why she was inflating it in the first place. She had just picked it when she got into the house and began inflating it. She threw it on the floor and went to sleep.

Mistress Alla loves getting into the pool. But she does not know how to swim and she does not want to pay for swimming lessons. She wants to teach herself how to swim. And that is why she bought an inflatable vest and she uses it to teach herself how to do it. The mistress always wears it and she uses it in the pool in order to avoid drowning.

Mistress Christin loves crushing inflatable toys. She is one of the few mistresses who do not like to crush people. She prefers to crush things and objects and she is very good at it. She likes to use her high heels or her boots. She took this inflatable pool toy and she inflated it before walking on it and stomping on it with her boots in an attempt to crush and destroy it.

Lady B wanted to enjoy herself. She had nothing to watch and nothing to check out online. So she went to the store and she took out some inflatable toys and she had fun with them. She enjoyed herself as she crushed and stomped on them using her boots. They were tough so they did not burst immediately. She had to try harder and harder before she could burst one of them.

Mistress Alla has a pool in her house and she likes to hang out there. She however does not like to swim in it. She prefers to float on the water and sunbathe instead of swimming. She went out today and she bought an even bigger inflatable toy and she used it to float. She likes to change them often because apart from floating on them, she also likes to crush them.

Mistress Christin wanted to find out whether her high heels could destroy this tough inflatable toy. She used her heels to crush it and she did so repeatedly. She was surprised with how tough it was and it resisted many attempts to destroy it although it finally gave in. She was however tired by he time she managed to destroy it. It was a good work out and she was able to have fun while killing some time.

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