All articles tagged with "Crush"

This mistress was about to make a very important phone call. She was so nervous about it as a lot of things hinged on the outcome of the call. She had to calm her nerves and she did so by trampling and crushing this inflatable toy. She was able to calm down after she had trampled the inflatable toys. She then aced the phone call and got the best possible outcome.

Mistress Alla wanted to improve her sexual performance. She was told that she needed to enhance her riding skills so she went and bought a balloon and she inflated it. She then tried to ride it the way she had seen it done in some adult sites and slowly she became good at it. She also tried other styles before she tried it on a man while fucking him and she was sweetly surprised at how great it was.

These mistresses did not like how badly behaved this kid was. But they could not discipline him as he was not their child. They realized he loved his toys so the mistresses took the inflatable toys and they used them to punish him and teach him a lesson. The mistresses crushed the toys and stabbed them until they totally destroyed them. He cried and begged them to stop but they did not and he learned his lesson.

This mistress was bored so she went to the basement to see whether she could get anything fun to watch. The mistress found inflatable toys in the basement and she had fun inflating them and crushing them. She was totally immersed in it that she forgot about everything else. She spent a lot of time doing that and did not notice how time flew while she played with the toys.

Lady Goa wanted to teach herself how to crush and smother. She had never done it before but she did not want anyone to teach her apart from the videos she watched online. She went out and bought an inflatable toy that she inflated and she crushed while teaching herself to do it. That was her practice and she did it daily until she felt that she had perfected the art of smothering.

These mistresses were bored and they did not know what to do for fun. As they were thinking of what to do, they saw inflatable toys and they chose to have fun with them. The mistresses inflated them and they had fun trampling them and stomping on them. It was not long before they managed to destroy them but they had managed to have a lot of fun before that happened.

Lady B has a thing for trampling. She has trampled a lot of things so she sat down and tried to find out what she had not trampled. She realized she had not trampled inflatable toys. She rushed to the store and she bought some. She enjoyed using her high heels to crush and destroy them. It was a lot more fun than she was used to and she enjoyed it.

Mistress Alla wanted to enjoy some time in the water but she did not want to get into the water. So she used her inflatable toys to do it. She was able to float around and enjoy the view and the breeze without having to get herself wet. The cigarette she had added to her bliss and she had a great time. She was lucky she had not crushed the floaters.

Mistress Christin was going through her stuff when she came across inflatable toys. She did not remember why she had bought them but it did not matter. She had use for them now as she used them for fun. She crushed them as she had nothing better to do and she had fun for a while. She tried with her bare feet and when she could not do anything to them, she used her high heels and destroyed them.

Mistress Alla loves to wear inflatable toys. She loves them because she can do a lot of things with them such as swim without fear of drowning. She had some on her arm and she inflated them after she had worn them. She then went into the swimming pool and she had fun swimming. When she was done, she came back and she stomped on them for fun using her bare feet.

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