All articles tagged with "Crush Passion"

Mistress Nina was horny and since she loves to crush inflatable toys, she decided to try crushing them to satisfy herself. She placed them between her thighs and she had a great time riding them. She felt good as they touched her clitoris and she rode them more and more. She found herself getting wetter and she eventually had a powerful orgasm. She was tired but she had had a great time.

Mistress Alla was bored in the house so she crushed toys and especially inflatable ones for fun. She found herself dry humping an inflatable ball. She pretended she was her boyfriend and she had fun pumping it as if fucking it. She had a lot of fun and she found that a lot of time had passed since she had started crushing and trampling the inflatable toys. She stopped as she grew tired.

Lady B loves to crush things for fun. She prefers to crush things instead of crushing people. That is why she has lots of toys. Today she was crushing and stomping this inflatable toy. It was a whale and she wanted to stomp on it with her boots to see whether she could crush and destroy it. She tried her best but it was made of tough material and she did not destroy it.

Mistress Ella had a toy alligator. Since she could not play with it as she did when she was a child, she decided to crush it for fun. She inflated it and she used her bare feet to crush it. She had a lot of fun doing it and when she was done, she wondered why she had never thought of doing that before because she had enjoyed herself immensely.

Mistress Alla was by the pool and she wanted to get into the water. But she does not know how to swim and there was no lifeguard nearby. She was determined to play in the water so she decided to use floaters to get in the water. That way, she would not drown. She wore them and she went to the water and she had a great time in the water knowing she would not drown.

Mistress Christin and lady B were going through the things in the garage when they came across lots of inflatable toys. They could not remember who they belonged to and they did not have any use for them. Instead of selling them or throwing them away, the mistresses decided to crush them and stomp on them for fun. They had fun doing so and they spent a lot of time doing it.

Mistress Mariah wanted to crush her boyfriend for cheating on her. But she had to do it right. So she bought an inflatable alligator and she crushed it as practice. She crushed it using her high heels and she did her best to destroy it. She only rested after she had managed to deflate it although it was not completely destroyed like she would have wanted. When she was done, she knew how to go about it and when she did, it was brutal and very effective.

Mistress Alla is a sexy girl. She loves doing all sorts of naughty things and she is actually very good at it. But her secret is down to a lot of practice. She practices on toys and especially inflatable ones. She pretends it is a person and she tries things on them and she concentrates on those that feel good and discards those that do not. But it is her secret. No one else knows.

Mistresses Alice, Claudia, Maggie, Tobie and Silva like to hang out together and they do most things together. They like to try lots of things and today they decided to try crush fetish. They had inflatable toys which they decided to crush. The mistresses crushed them individually but they could not crush and destroy them. They settled on crushing them together and that was when they managed to deflate them.

Mistress Alla likes floating on water. She does not like to swim and she does not know how to swim. But she enjoys using her inflatable toys to float on the water. She loves her inflatable toys because she knows they can serve many purposes such as being flotation devices or things for her to crush. She has lots of them and she enjoys playing with them like a kid.

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