All articles tagged with "Crush Fetish"

Mistress Denise did not have a reason to be angry but she woke up in a bad mood and she could not explain why. She did not want to go about her day in that mood. So she had to make sure she did something to take the anger away. And she settled on crushing the inflatable toys she had. She took out her anger on them and she felt better.

When these mistresses messed up, their parents grounded them. The mistresses did not have anything else they could do for fun. They were asked not to do a lot of things and there was nowhere fun they were allowed to go. The mistresses had to find a way to keep themselves entertained. So they resorted to inflating toys and trying to have fun with since there was nothing else to do.

Lady B had asked her son to be more responsible but she did not like his response to it. She felt he had to learn that choices had consequences and she punished him as a result. She crushed his beloved inflatable toys to make sure he did not play with them like he wanted. And that was when he realized she meant what she said. He had no choice but to change.

These four mistresses had sought the services of this loser but they were not happy with the services he offered. Seeing as they had already paid him, they had to get value for their money. The mistresses chose to sandwich him between two inflatable mattresses and they trampled him cruelly. He was in a lot of pain but then again that is what they were going for when they stomped on the inflatable mattresses.

Mistress Alla wanted to enjoy some time in the water but she did not want to get into the water. So she used her inflatable toys to do it. She was able to float around and enjoy the view and the breeze without having to get herself wet. The cigarette she had added to her bliss and she had a great time. She was lucky she had not crushed the floaters.

Mistress Christin was going through her stuff when she came across inflatable toys. She did not remember why she had bought them but it did not matter. She had use for them now as she used them for fun. She crushed them as she had nothing better to do and she had fun for a while. She tried with her bare feet and when she could not do anything to them, she used her high heels and destroyed them.

Mistress Alla was bored at home and since she had no one to play with or do anything with, she chose to play with objects. She looked around and she found some inflatable toys and she used them to have fun. She enjoyed crushing, stomping and jumping on them. The toys were not easily destructible and she enjoyed that aspect as it meant she had longer to play with them.

Lady B and mistress Indira were bored so they went out and bought a few inflatable toys and they went back home and crushed them. They did not use heels or boots but rather, they used their bare feet to do it. They did not want to destroy the inflatables faster as they had just gotten started. So bare feet worked better for them. That is how they came to love inflatables clips.

Mistress Alla has an indoor swimming pool in her house. She wanted to have a little fun so she did not dive in. She used inflatables to stay afloat. She enjoyed gliding on water and when she got bored with it, she got out of the water with one of the inflatables and she crushed it for fun. She knew she could always get another one. Besides, she had two more.

Mistress Alla went out and bought inflatable toys after she had watched videos of inflatable crush fetish. She had to try it as it looked like fun and she did not mind trying something new. She had a lot of fun doing it and she enjoyed herself to the fullest. It soon became her favorite thing to do when she was bored. And she bought lots of inflatable toys to crush.

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