All articles tagged with "Crush Femdom"

Mistress Nina did not have much to do in the house. She arranged things in her house to kill time and that was when she found inflatables that she had not seen or used in a long time. She had no use for them but since she had time to kill, she crushed them using her high heels. She stomped and trampled them for fun and it was an amazing experience.

Mistress Christin loves crushing inflatable toys. She is one of the few mistresses who do not like to crush people. She prefers to crush things and objects and she is very good at it. She likes to use her high heels or her boots. She took this inflatable pool toy and she inflated it before walking on it and stomping on it with her boots in an attempt to crush and destroy it.

Lady B was mad at her boyfriend. She felt like smashing head on the wall but she got out of the room and she took a walk. She found an inflatable toy as she walked and she crushed it. She took out her anger on it and she destroyed it by stomping on it. She felt better by the time she managed to destroy it. She then went home and she took a long shower and slept.

Mistress Tea and her friend Nicky went out and bought a lot of inflatable toys. They then spent the entire afternoon trying to crush them and destroy them. They had a lot of fun crushing them using their bare feet as well as using their shoes. They spent a lot of time and energy doing it but it was fun and they did not mind it. They planned to meet again soon and do the same thing because of how fun it was.

Mistress Alla went to river to take a swim. But it had rained and there was a lot of water and she was not good at swimming so she wore her floater and she even added an inflatable toy. She inflated the toy and she sat on it in the water. She had fun playing because she knew she could not drown. She spent a lot of time in the water it was almost nightfall.

This mistress loves to crush toys for fun. She is not one of those who like to crush and torture losers and slaves. She was kicking it with her friend and the two of them had fun crushing these inflatable beach toys. The toys were tough and were not easy to destroy but the mistresses were up to the task and they crushed and destroyed them before they went out.

Mistress Alla was bored in the house so she crushed toys and especially inflatable ones for fun. She found herself dry humping an inflatable ball. She pretended she was her boyfriend and she had fun pumping it as if fucking it. She had a lot of fun and she found that a lot of time had passed since she had started crushing and trampling the inflatable toys. She stopped as she grew tired.

Lady B loves to crush things for fun. She prefers to crush things instead of crushing people. That is why she has lots of toys. Today she was crushing and stomping this inflatable toy. It was a whale and she wanted to stomp on it with her boots to see whether she could crush and destroy it. She tried her best but it was made of tough material and she did not destroy it.

Mistresses Hellen, Nina, Kim, Lilly and Sophie wanted to test the strength of this inflatable whale. They knew it was tough but they wanted to find out if it was tougher than them combined. They sat on it and crushed it with her butts as well as with their bare feet. It managed to hold on well although it was almost tearing at the seams because of their combined weight.

Lady B loves to crush things more than doing anything else. She loves it even more than she loves money. She feels alive when she is crushing and destroying stuff because it makes her feel powerful. The mistress enjoys using her heels to destroy things and at times she also uses her bare feet. Today she used both to crush and destroy inflatable toys and had a lot of fun doing it.

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